Is It Better to Run a Specialization or Serve-All Business?
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November 26, 2018The sheer cost of marketing and advertising used to mean there was a huge gap between the big corporations and small businesses. Yet, a lot has changed in the last few years, with cheaper and often free forms of advertising becoming available to smaller companies.
This is great news for the portable sanitation industry if you know how to maximize these resources. We want to help you get the most bang for your buck, so we’ve provided some tips below.
Be Smart with Mailers
While many companies are moving to paperless email marketing, small businesses often find that direct mail marketing is still a very effective form of advertising, especially in rural areas, towns, and small cities.
The most important thing, if you want to save money, is to make sure you have a solid list of target customers. This is better than selecting a geographical area and mailing to everyone living there. List brokers will sell you the contact information of different groups of people so that you’re targeting people who work in construction or events.
A good and cheap way to run a mail campaign is to send postcards that direct people to your website or social media profiles. Not only does this help transition away from paper, it allows potential clients to find out more about your business, generating further curiosity.
If you are interested in changing over to email marketing, check out our tips on utilizing email to reach people in your area.
Build Your Own Website
Having a website designed for you can be costly. Luckily, there are many build-your-own site options that are easy to use and inexpensive. Most small businesses go down this route and, chances are, you’ve been on plenty of websites without ever knowing that the business owner made it themselves.
Here are some of the best services to use for this:
Once you’ve chosen the website host and have started to create your site, see our tips for creating a great website.
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Recognize the Power of Social Media
The crown jewel in the technology revolution is social media. It really has changed just about every aspect of how we manage society, and that includes marketing and advertising.
Companies that recognize the importance of social media see their business generation increase greatly. It might seem daunting at first, but social media is easy to use once you get the hang of it. The secret lies in keeping it updated.
Using social media is free, so go ahead and create Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to begin with. Post photos of your business, competitions, and info and start spreading the word online about your operation. JohnTalk is a big fan of using social media to boost your business, so we’ve already written plenty about it. Click here and here to read more.
Looking to Take Your Portable Restroom Business to the NEXT LEVEL? Download our FREE Guide: “Your Guide to Operating A Portable Restroom Business.”
Thinking About GETTING INTO the Portable Restroom Industry? Download our FREE Guide: “Your Guide to Starting A Portable Restroom Business.”