potty animal started the topic Arsonist gets what he deserves in the forum Portable Toilets in the News 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I have to admit I got some joy out of seeing that the idiot who lit a unit on fire also managed to set himself on fire in the process. Serves you right moron!
Potty-brained arsonist tries to torch portable toilet but ends up igniting himself and sprinting away in flames: video -…[Read more]
potty animal started the topic PJ unit in Y2K movie in the forum Portable Toilets Go Hollywood 2 months ago
I saw the trailer for the new Y2K movie and noticed that there’s a PolyJohn unit in it. Here is a link to the trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa823lY1sTs
potty animal started the topic Bringing the stink to the Stinkin' Sentra Giveaway in the forum Fun & Entertainment 4 months, 1 week ago
Now here’s a bizarre story. A company sponsored a contest called the Stinkin’ Sentra Giveaway at the Oklahoma State Fair where people tried to stay in the vehicle for as long as possible. The last person to remain in the vehicle would win it. During one of the designated breaks one of the competitors scooped crap out of a porta-potty and brought…[Read more]
potty animal started the topic Woman wiped out by porta potty on skates in the forum Fun & Entertainment 1 year, 3 months ago
If you need a laugh today, I’ve got a video to share with you. There was a skating/costume competition in LA where a group of guys in a porta potty on skates rolled into a woman and completely wiped her out. They also broke a sign that hit a guy in the head. It was craziness and I couldn’t stop laughing when I first saw it.
Here’s the video – http…[Read more]
potty animal started the topic Porta-potty door: National flag of Florida? in the forum Portable Toilets in the News 1 year, 3 months ago
Something you don’t see everyday- a porta-potty door impaled and stuck on a light pole. Of course this would happen in Florida lol. You can see the picture if you click on the story link.
Florida storms send porta-potty door flying, impales into a light pole: ‘National flag of Florida’
potty animal started the topic Need a laugh? in the forum Fun & Entertainment 1 year, 7 months ago
Would any of you take advantage of this service? lol
Here’s the post it came from https://www.facebook.com/SilverElephant1/photos/a.1398330123578987/6383763975035552/?type=3&theater. The page has some funny stuff.
potty animal started the topic Cooler toilet on the beach in the forum Fun & Entertainment 1 year, 9 months ago
I have no idea if this is real but this article claims that a guy is making “thousands” by charging people on the beach to use a homemade “portable toilet” that is actually a cooler with a shower curtain around it. https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/man-earns-thousands-charging-people-to-use-viral-homemade-beach-toilet-2140846/
Good for a…[Read more]
potty animal started the topic SNL Weekend Update in the forum Portable Toilets Go Hollywood 2 years, 4 months ago
SNL had a bit making fun of the Mets and showed a porta-potty lit on fire. Here’s the clip: https://youtu.be/XPcEzzScN9E?t=443. I also took a screenshot. That poor PJN3 haha.
potty animal started the topic Eddie Vedder satire in the forum Fun & Entertainment 2 years, 4 months ago
Some porta potty humor for you music fans. https://www.madhousemagazine.com/eddie-vedder-gets-stuck-in-portable-toilet-for-12-hours/ -
potty animal started the topic PolyJohn units on Big Brother in the forum Portable Toilets Go Hollywood 2 years, 7 months ago
Any Big Brother fans on here? There were some PolyJohn units that were part of a game they played. Pretty funny to see.
potty animal started the topic "Running of the Porta Potties" in the forum Fun & Entertainment 2 years, 8 months ago
This weekend it was time for the Running of the Porta Potties again at the Preakness https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/3364128/the-running-of-the-porta-potties-at-the-preakness-a-tradition-unlike-any-other
Some of you might think it’s funny. Most of you probably hate it. But it’s been going on for years and probably won’t stop anytime soon.
potty animal started the topic Apprehended by a toilet? Haha in the forum Portable Toilets in the News 2 years, 10 months ago
Florida man arrested for drugs after getting trapped in porta-potty
Of course this would be a Florida man story. How embarrassed must this guy be to be busted for drug possession because he got stuck in a porta-potty? Haha.
potty animal started the topic Jackass Forever in the forum Portable Toilets Go Hollywood 3 years ago
Exploding Toilets and Rattlesnakes Can Only Mean One Thing: A New ‘Jackass Forever’ Trailer
In February the first Jackass movie in 10 years is coming out! The trailer looks hilarious and it shows a scene with an exploding porta-potty which I’m sure would grab the interest of people on this site. I definitely plan on seeing this movie. It should be epic!
potty animal started the topic Bravo sinks on South Park in the forum Portable Toilets Go Hollywood 3 years, 2 months ago
The South Park post covid special has a scene that shows what looks like the Bravo sinks PolyJohn makes.
potty animal started the topic Teleport using portables in the forum Fun & Entertainment 3 years, 7 months ago
Any gamers on here? If you play Fortnite, you can use porta-potties to teleport to different locations. It’s a pretty funny concept. Here’s the article if you want to learn more about it, https://www.distractify.com/p/porta-potty-locations-fortnite
potty animal started the topic Bad Trip PJN3 sighting in the forum Portable Toilets Go Hollywood 3 years, 10 months ago
I saw this over the weekend. It’s from a new Eric Andre Netflix movie called Bad Trip. The scene is around the 49-minute mark of the movie on Netflix if anyone wants to see it.
potty animal replied to the topic gravity draining tank in the forum Trucks, Equipment & Tech 3 years, 11 months ago
I am pretty sure that it is illegal to haul liquid waste without a proper license. I know that we have to have one in order to run our business. Not sure if there are regulations on limits for people without a license or not. But I do know that PolyJohn has has an RV type valve that can go on the bottom of a waste tank. I would call into one of…[Read more]
potty animal started the topic Eurovision movie in the forum Portable Toilets Go Hollywood 4 years, 7 months ago
Anyone seen the movie Eurovision yet? Pretty funny movie with Will Ferrell. He tips over a PJN3 in it.
potty animal started the topic Let's have some fun in the forum Portable Toilets Go Hollywood 5 years, 7 months ago
I was watching a movie and took a photo of a scene that showed one of the characters coming out of a PJN3. I thought we could have a little fun with it. Can you name the movie, the actor coming out of the unit and quote a line from the movie? Good luck!
potty animal started the topic Retro school bus Airbnb in the forum Fun & Entertainment 5 years, 11 months ago
First of all, how cool is this retro bus that you can stay in near Terlingua, Texas? I’d definitely enjoy a few nights there. This Retro School Bus Is an Airbnb With Incredible Stargazing
I see there is a porta potty on site. Anyone on here service it or know who does? That’s one job site I wouldn’t mind going to.
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